Representation at every level

If I am lucky enough to be elected to represent you, my promise to you is that I will make constituency work my principal focus. I will meet with business owners, people running local charities, and social enterprises, local schools and religious leaders, health and social care professionals and, frankly, anyone who needs to speak with me. On your behalf, I will protect and advance your interests and ensure that our collective voice is heard in Westminster.


My Weekly Roundup - 15th January to 21st January

This week I have had busy week from attending Wiltshire Council meetings, in my capacity as the Wiltshire Councillor for Cepen Park and Derriads to representing your views and pushing for change following your feedback sent to my via email and via my residents survey!

A350 Consultation

As many will already be aware, currently their is a consultation ongoing regarding the dualling of the A350 from Bumpers Farm up towards Lackham.

It is vital that residents have their say on the design of the project.

Many residents have raised concerns including around:

Listening to you

Over the past couple of weeks and months, I have been across the constituency meeting local people, finding out what your views are and your priorities.

Wiltshire's Local Plan: Consultation Events

The Wiltshire Local Plan sets out Wiltshire Council's vision and framework for the future development of the area. This plan is designed by the Local Planning Authority, Wiltshire Council, and members of the public are asked to contribute their views in a series of consultations.